Recognizing the Signs

Take our “Do I Have Endometriosis?” quiz.

To understand the symptoms and signs of endometriosis. Discover treatment options and find expert care available at our specialized endometriosis excision surgery facility serving the US and Canada.



Are you wondering if you might have endometriosis? You’re not alone. Many women have this condition, but they don’t know it because it can be hard to diagnose. Our quick quiz can help you spot the possible signs.

Endometriosis is when tissue similar to the lining inside your uterus grows outside it. This can cause pain and other problems. Knowing what to look for is the first step in getting help.

This quiz isn’t a medical diagnosis, but it’s a good starting point. It can help you figure out if you should talk to a doctor.

Our center is all about helping women with endometriosis. We have top doctors from the US, Mexico, and Brazil who know a lot about this condition. They’re renowned experts at a special kind of surgery that can remove the tissue and ease your symptoms.

Answer these questions to see if your symptoms match those of endometriosis. After that, we can discuss what to do next.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is when tissue that’s similar to the inside lining of your uterus starts growing outside it. This can cause a lot of pelvic pain that keeps coming back and might make it harder for a woman to get pregnant. Some of the most common things women might feel with endometriosis include severe period cramps, pain when they have sex, or pain when they go to the bathroom during their menstrual period.

Doctors think that between 1.5% to 10% of women who can have children might have endometriosis, but it’s tough to be sure 1. That’s because it can take a while to figure out that someone has it, and there’s no easy test for it. Plus, even after getting treatment, endometriosis can come back.

Knowing about endometriosis matters because there are ways to treat it: medicines, hormone treatments, and even surgical treatment can help. If you’re having any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor to explore a possible diagnosis and cure for endometriosis or the best way to handle your condition.

Common Symptoms of Endometriosis

Endometriosis can be sneaky; sometimes it does not seem to cause problems, other times, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Here are some of the usual symptoms that women might notice:

Painful Periods:

It’s not just the typical cramps; it can feel like your lower belly is being squeezed tight.

Pain with Intimacy:

Pain during or after being intimate is a red flag for endometriosis.

Pain with Bathroom Visits:

Going to the bathroom shouldn’t hurt, but with endometriosis, it might, especially during your period.

Heavy Periods:

periods that make you change your tampon or pad way more often than usual.

Bloating and Digestive Issues:

Feeling bloated or having stomach problems, especially during your period, can be a sign.

Trouble Getting Pregnant:

If you’re trying to have a baby and it’s not happening, endometriosis could be the unwelcome guest causing issues.

Now, just because you have one or more of these symptoms doesn’t mean you definitely have endometriosis. But if these symptoms are messing with your day-to-day life, it’s worth talking to a doctor about it. They can do tests and figure out what’s going on 2.

Remember: lots of women go through the same, and there’s help out there. Don’t hesitate to reach out for medical advice if these symptoms sound familiar.


Wondering if your symptoms could point to endometriosis? This quiz is a starting point to understand what you’re going through. Keep in mind, this isn’t a medical diagnosis.

Take the Quiz: Could It Be Endometriosis?

Wondering if your symptoms could point to endometriosis? This quiz is a starting point to understand what you're going through. Keep in mind, this isn't a medical diagnosis.

What Your Answers Mean:

â—Ź If you ticked “Yes” to any questions, it could be a hint to see a doctor.

â—Ź If you ticked “Yes” to four or more, it’s especially important to get checked out.

What Your Answers Mean:

Keep in mind this quiz is NOT a diagnostic test, however, if your results show you might have symptoms of endometriosis, think about making an appointment with a healthcare provider. They can do more tests to diagnose endometriosis and discuss ways to help you feel better. Knowing what’s happening in your body is the first step to improving your health, as a timely intervention can help avoid the complications of endometriosis.

If your quiz results suggest that you might have endometriosis, it’s important to know that you have options. Treatment for endometriosis can vary, but one of the most effective methods is endometriosis excision surgery, where small cuts are made to remove endometriosis lesions using special instruments.

Advantages of Specialized Endometriosis Surgery

Excision surgery is often seen as the best way to treat endometriosis because it cuts out the disease right from where it starts, which can help you feel better for a longer time. Studies tell us that endometriosis surgery cuts down on pain significantly and makes quality of life better 3.

Learn more about endometriosis and the life-changing impact that expert care can have from the endo warriors themselves.

Our Facility and Team

Our center specializes in providing the US and Canada with endometriosis care and is proud to have the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation, a worldwide mark of quality that shows we meet top performance standards. The Surgical Review Corporation also recognizes us for our outstanding surgical care. Plus, the Global Healthcare Accreditation proves our commitment to keeping international you safe and well-cared for, making sure you get affordable care that respects your culture:

  • United States:

    ○  Dr. Andrea Vidali, a visionary in robotic endometriosis surgery, whose precision and innovation redefine fertility preservation.

    ○  Dr. Jose Eugenio Colon a world referent in minimally invasive gynecologic approachers who brings unparalleled expertise in LAPEX surgery.

  • Brazil:

    ○  Dr. William Kondo: a luminary in laparoscopic and pelvic surgery, whose pioneering techniques in endometriosis treatment set new standards in patient care.

    ○  Dr. Carlos Trippia: an expert in pelvic imaging, vital for a precise endometriosis diagnosis.

  • Mexico:

    ○  Dr. Armando Menocal: a beacon in the field of deep endometriosis surgery and gynecologic endoscopy.

    ○  Dr. Ramiro Cabrera: a leading authority in advanced endometriosis surgery and gynecological endoscopy.

One on One with Dr. Andrea Vidali

Contact Our Specialists

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call our endometriosis specialists at:

(619) 270-1126

Take Charge of Your Health

We encourage you to take an active role in your health. If you’re experiencing symptoms of endometriosis, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let us help you take the first step towards a life free from endometriosis pain.


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